For years I have been gently tugged by the heart to move forward, and with purpose. To care for others, to be present. To engage in a life of business that helps people at a deep level, teaches people to love themselves and others, and perhaps even helps people believe in something bigger than themselves.
In order to do this, I need to let go of dreams placed on myself by others. (I suppose I accepted these dreams as reality and as such, it is just as much my fault). But I haven't done this, and I've continued to stumble about.
For years I've been running from job to job. It hasn't been a problem, I'm pretty darn good at an array of things. And no one seems to care that I haven't held a job longer than a year because heck, I make results happen. I'm a killer marketer, sales woman, and manager. As such I've managed brands, launched companies, been the marketing director of a few small businesses that did a few million a year in business, managed a team that was responsible for the largest online marketing account in the world, and much more.
And I have to say it, I'm spent. Exhausted. Done-zo.
So I started listening to the tug again, and here I am. Not sure what it means yet, but I am listening, deeply reflecting, and hoping to build something I am proud of.
Stay tuned. Big things are afoot.