Friday, December 21, 2012

Water :: Beautiful, Natural, Compostable

Oh the curse of the Brita filter.  I think you may finally be broken by the new start-up Soma Water.  They have created a glass carafe, complete with coconut husk filter, that can be composted.  They are in kickstarter mode at the moment (you can bet I'm a backer) and suggest that if you want a more natural water filter, you do it too.  :)

You can find their kickstarter here

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

mid-week link round-up

Soule Mama's amazing laundry powder ::  Seriously, this stuff changed our hatred of laundry.  It is all natural, incredibly effective, and very easy to make

Elephants and Hot Air Balloons :: These lovely, crafty ladies live in Alaska, by way of Prague

Laura Emily  ::  She blogs from the heart, runs the amazing apothecary circle, and is all around pretty awesome

A Winter Cure All from This Enchanted Pixie  ::  Made it, love it.  Now to buy more honey!

Aviva Romm's Herbal Medicine for Women  ::  I'm kind of in love with her these days, she's amazing and I signed up for her course.  An herbal medicine course from a 25 year home-birth midwife, Yale MD, and master herbalist?  Easy enough decision for this lady. 

Our Wedding Photo went a bit viral this week :: With the repeal of DADT, and now DOMA being heard by the Supreme Court we can all hope for marriage equality sooner rather than later. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

kitchari :: clean, veggie, delicious

I'm new to this whole posting my recipes thing so you'll have to forgive my lack of photos for the time being.  I *promise* I will start posting photos once I decide I want to pick up a camera again.

In celebration of the holidays I've been working on simplifying my diet, getting back to the basics, and focusing on what feels good to eat.  Not so much 'feels good' like I love the taste of it (damn you Dorritos) but feels good as in my belly is happy and not bloated and doesn't leave me with 4 hours of violent stomach cramps (may I say it again!?  Damn you DORRITOS!)  Enter Kitchari, the most simply delicious thing I have consumed in a few days (save for

Last night I dumped a cup of mung beans and a cup of Basmatti brown rice into a bowl.  And I left it to soak in water overnight while I happily dreamed about upcoming dinner parties, impending births of my clients, and the exam I had to give to my students in the morning.  

Around noon, after all the finals were complete and turn in (not graded mind you), I discarded the rinse water and through it in a pot with 4.5 cups of water and brought it to a boil.

Peeled some fresh ginger root, sprinkled in some curry powder, tumeric, and mixed up salt (Jane's Crazy will do just fine).  After about 30 minutes the rice was soft, the beans too, and the water was all gone.

Then I consumed a ton of it.  And it was lovely.  :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

celebrating my goddess year

About six months ago I joined the Goddess Circle, and with it I jointed an amazing tribe of women.  Here I have been able to listen to my heart's wishes, and share in a plan to become a whole person.  Leave behind my stress, my fear, my exhaustion.  Live authentically you could say. 

This year I will be diving into the Goddess Guidebooks to attempt to find my mission and business purpose by the end of the year.  I have heard great things about the books from the inimitable Kathy Stowell over at Bliss Beyond Naptime and the lovely Manic Mrs. Stone.   As such I am going to go deep into the process, spend quality time with myself, and in my own head.  I'm going to blog, journal, and track my path towards my version of bliss.

If you'd like to join me I'd so love that!  There are business and life editions. 

I'm following that 'tug' I've been talking about.  I suppose it is about time.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

following the call

For years I have been gently tugged by the heart to move forward, and with purpose.  To care for others, to be present.  To engage in a life of business that helps people at a deep level, teaches people to love themselves and others, and perhaps even helps people believe in something bigger than themselves.

In order to do this, I need to let go of dreams placed on myself by others.  (I suppose I accepted these dreams as reality and as such, it is just as much my fault).  But I haven't done this, and I've continued to stumble about. 

For years I've been running from job to job.  It hasn't been a problem, I'm pretty darn good at an array of things.  And no one seems to care that I haven't held a job longer than a year because heck, I make results happen.  I'm a killer marketer, sales woman, and manager.  As such I've managed brands, launched companies, been the marketing director of a few small businesses that did a few million a year in business, managed a team that was responsible for the largest online marketing account in the world, and much more.

And I have to say it, I'm spent.  Exhausted.  Done-zo.

So I started listening to the tug again, and here I am.  Not sure what it means yet, but I am listening, deeply reflecting, and hoping to build something I am proud of.

Stay tuned.  Big things are afoot.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

a shout out :: dr. aviva romm

Just a few weeks ago I stumbled across one of the single greatest resources ever...Dr. Aviva Romm.

Dr. Romm was a home-birth midwife for 25 years, a relatively famous herbalist (she is good buddies with Susun Weed) and now she is a Yale trained and educated MD.  Yup you heard me right, a home-birth midwife went to the MD side, and man is she a wealth of information.

I'd suggest you hop on over, join her mailing list and quickly, and start learning about her secrets to health and wellness.  She is a huge proponent of a truly holistic approach to health–herbal and western–and believes in a mostly veggie diet.

Also if you are in need of a quick snack, she has a recipe for a truly delicious smoothie–her pink prana post-workout glow.   Try it with the cardamom, it is stupid good.  (Photo is from her blog)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

thankful, gracious, alive

There isn't enough 'I love you' or enough 'I'm thankful' in my breast today for me to utter, to explicate the thanks and joy I have.  I'm searching for them, hoping to write them out but for all I've been given, there just isn't enough.  But I'll try...

Thank you to each and every one of the souls who've taken care of me, and underwing-ed me here in my new home.

Thank you to everyone who celebrated our marriage with us by giving, loving, helping, hugging...

Thank you to fall for bringing my soul back to my body.

Thank you to my amazing wife who supports me with aplomb, joy, ease, and beauty. 

Thank you to my nearest and dearest friends (you know who you are) for seeing the beautiful mess that I am as being just that...beautiful.

And most importantly (for today)...Thank you for those who have pushed me forward.  Actively.  Who've sung my praises (and given me criticism), who've lived big dreams with me (and been ok when we've failed), and those continue on and realize we've got this.  The world truly is what we make of it.

And continue to make it we shall.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

On Mothering :: 'How does that work exactly?'

There are a number of things that are troubling when one is in a domestic relationship that is atypical by American standards.  Yet the single most troubling thing is the amount of personal questions one asks when my wife and I tell our friends (which automatically becomes telling our acquaintances because our crew is like that):  "We are going to start trying to get pregnant soon." 

Now to me this isn't that strange of a statement.  Straight couples say it all the time.  There are never any follow-up questions.  Now I understand that some couples the answers are unnecessary and more times than not it is just the birds and the bees and blammo!  9 months later a beautiful baby is born.

Let's be honest, I don't go around asking near strangers:  'So girl on top?  Boy on top?  IVF? AI?'  Unless they offer that information up to me, I just figure 'ok biological imperative, sperm will meet egg.  the end.'

I get it.  The motor functions and sex cells of a lesbian couples differ, and my wife and I can't simply get pregnant by getting sloppy drunk and pumping our hips for 7 to 10 minutes.  But basic biology still applies.  Sperm must meet egg, become zygote, implant, grow baby.  The how is really not all that important in most cases.  

And I'm not talking about true friends, friends can ask whatever questions they darn well please.  I'm more talking about acquaintances and near strangers.  That is when my fuse truly shortens. 
The most common questions and responses for us are as follows:

"Who is the donor?"
Who cares!  And thanks for reminding us that we are not fully capable of making a child ourselves.  Much appreciated.  We are aware we have a donor, and we do love him dearly.  The details don't really matter, and we'd like to keep the knowledge of that a bit under wraps to people we don't know well, more judging isn't exactly what we are going for. 

" are you going to do it, I just don't get it."
I generally give a response of 'turkey baster' completely in jest, and that always leads to....

"You are really going to just turkey baster that sh*t?"
 No you idiot.  I'm not actually going to use a certified bonafide turkey baster, but explaining the details of a syringe is just awkward at the bar.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Yes.  I am sure.  You told me last week you were trying too.  And never once did anyone say to you such nonsense.  It is not like my wife and I just woke up one day and said 'Holy crap let's start flying across the country regularly to our donor and get preggers' TODAY.  We actually thought through this.  A lot.

"So if you are carrying does that make you the 'girl' in the relationship?"
Last time I checked there was no 'boy' in my relationship, so if that is what you are implying...

Now don't get me wrong, these are few and far between, and more often than not we are hugged and kissed and asked permission before we are asked personal questions.  And that is awesome!  But this is just a cautionary tale.  And I'm working on some good retorts, so be forewarned.

*Note:  Any comments that are negative about lesbian couples raising children, god didn't intend our relationship, etc will be promptly deleted.  Thanks!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just a little glimpse into the wedding...

Just last weekend we got officially married.   Yeah yeah, I know it said we were already married (we weren't, but I didn't want to update the info three weeks after blog launch).

Here are some photos if you want some insight into our locally sourced, almost 100% handcrafted, cooked by the guests, pie eating affair.  More to come someday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

learning :: the apothecary circle :: (oh hey discount code!)

Being a doula, I am constantly asked 'what herbs should I take for X', and to be honest that is far outside the scope of my practice...Enter the apothecary circle. 

Starting on the winter solstice of this year, the lovely Laura Emily over at Good Earth Living is offering an at home study course for all you budding and interested herbalists.  I signed up last week!  And I am so very excited about joining a tribe of over 100 women studying herbalism for 2013.

(Taken from the Apothecary Circle Page)

This yearlong course has one goal- to uncover the healer within you by building your home apothecary, and to gain the knowledge & confidence to use it.

When: December 21st 2012- December 21 2013
Where: Virtual classroom online.
--*Monthly lessons & tutorials on herbs, creating tinctures, salves, lipbalms, capsules, teas, clays, makeup, mist, perfumes, and cooking with herbs.
--*Group community.
--*herbal consultations
--*study of herbs & other holistic approaches.
--*free downloads of over 10 e-books over the course of the year covering topics such as folk recipes, holistic approach to acne and skin problems, managing headaches & migraines naturally, understanding and beating fatigue, general family health, hydration, nutrition, space clearing, crystal therapy, and holistic wellness.
--*six virtual ecourses over the course of the year covering detoxing, cleanses, fasting, space clearing, intentions, and more. Members are required to participate with at least one, but all 6 ecourses/workshops are free and open to members of the Apothecary Circle
--*raw food prep & methods
--*food remedies & nutritional game plans
--*folk remedies
--*space clearing
--*Detoxing to cure & fasting
--*study of essential oils for medicinal properties
--*blueprint for a physical home apothecary
--*Certificate in Home Apothecary.

*While space-clearing, holistic nutrition and detoxing are covered within the monthly lessons, individuals will have the option to earn an emphasis in their certification in either Space Clearing, Holistic Nutrition and Detoxing. Emphasis will be posted to purchase in September. These emphasis studies are not available to those who are not members of the Apothecary Circle.


Those who sign up within September will receive a starter apothecary kit. Five Bulk herbs, 3 earth clay samples, 1 essential oil, 2 oz. of sweet almond oil, 1 oz. organic beeswax, 1 1/2 ounce pre-made tincture, Himalayan Pink Salt, and more. Over $45 worth of materials! All Apothecary Circle members will have free access to all eBooks, eCourses, workshops and lessons throughout 2013. All Apothecary Circle members who participate with one ecouse/workshop, and participate with at least 3 discussion questions will earn a certificate in home apothecary. SEPT sign-ups have the option to get an emphasis studies in ONE of the following- Space Clearing, Holistic Nutrition, and Detoxing without additional fees. You will be contacted in December to see what your emphasis will be. The other emphasis will be available at an additional cost.

All of this is only $99.  Seriously.  

Remember how I mentioned discount code?  If you enter the code HERBS10 at checkout, you'll get 15% off the course.  I get a little love too.  :)

Not for you?  Well, you can use my code to buy anything in the store.  Heck yes!

I'll be blogging about the course once it starts, so come on and join me!

recipe :: paleo-ish granola

I was blessed enough to spend the month of August blogging over at Rhythm of Home, I have cross-posted a few of my pieces over this way but I figured I'd let you know my first recipe is up and ready for viewing.  You should try it!  :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

on the joys of entertaining

Last week I had the joy of having six of my dearest friends over for breakfast as we bid adieu to our friend who was headed to Kyrgyzstan for a four month deployment.

Check out what I had to say about the joys of cooking for a crowd. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


To claim I have a clear understanding of feminism and all it entails would simply be false.  I have to say, that despite my feminist leanings and my background of attending a women's college, I am 'feminism dumb'.  Meaning, that I have such limited knowledge of feminist critiques, feminist cannon, and more.  This is not to say I don't get the tenants of feminism (I do), but rather my ability to support my ideas around feminism (especially in regards to childbirth, mothering, homeschooling, etc) is completely non-existent.  Luckily, enter my 2nd graduate degree.

I am currently enrolled in a Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Non-Fiction down here in Georgia.  And while most of the courses I am expected to take are surrounding the understandings of prose, fictional and non-fictional writing, and teaching creative writing; I also am blessed to take a few literature courses.

This semester I am enrolled in 'Literary Women', a graduate seminar focused on the way in which women write about their experiences as women.  Well all be darned!  I do this all the time!  So to take a critical eye to the material and my writing should prove to be eye-opening.

This past week, we've been working through Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own.  Holy. Crud.  What a beautiful and confusing piece of work.  I have to say though, that I feel similarly to her.  A woman, to be happy, just needs a stable income and a place to create.

A few months back, I had neither.  And the innate sense of peace that has followed in gaining both has been marvelous.  

Friday, August 10, 2012

your limits are imaginary

Annie Thorisdottir is the 2nd time world champion of Crossfit.  She's been crossfitting for less than three years, speaks fluent English, is a full-time Chemistry student, and wants to study medicine. And she's extraordinary. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

reveling :: on motherhood

I believe I sent a number of my close friends into a tizzy of shock and awe when they saw my first post that mentioned I'd be discussing 'preparing for motherhood'.  I received a few texts, a number of emails, and a few quizzical looks when people spoke to me about my blog face to face. 

I might as well let the cat out of the bag.  Yes, my lovely partner and I are in the process of planning for children.  This does not mean we are having them yet!  Deep breaths friends.  Deep breaths.  But we both firmly believe that preparing our home, our minds, and our hearts are key pieces to our growth as a couple and our future (slightly larger) family. 

We have big dreams for our family.  Attachment parenting, cloth diapering, homeschooling, and so much more.  We hope to instill a deep love of dirt, community, food, reading, and kindness. 

Emerging from Doula training in May I felt called to prepare.  Prepare my mind, my home, my body for pregnancy and motherhood.  To take time to mull what adding a munchkin or two to our daily lives would entail.

We have the gift of time, but we are also aware that time is impermanent.  We see this balance and acknowledge it willingly.   We hold both in our hands, breathe, and know that when we are ready, we will know.

Source Unknown:  If you know the photog, let me know. ('twas a pinterest find)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

round-up :: motivation

Once a week, I plan to do a photo/link round-up of all the lovely things I have found, I am musing over, or simply stumbled upon.  Some weeks I might have a theme, other weeks not so much (methinks I am likely to edge closer to the 'not-so-much-theme' plan).  This weeks theme is Motivation

For a number of years I was an avid Crossfitter, but during a rough year (2010 to be exact) I dropped the ball.  I found myself with a bum foot and a broken heart.  To be frank, working out didn't even matter to me at that point in time.  While I was crossfitting,  I loved it for two reasons:  1) It was a quick trip to the gym and 2) It didn't involve much running.  These two facts still remain true. 

As of two weeks ago, I started getting back into shape.  Because as much as I love to argue that 'round is a shape too', I was started to feel outside my own body.  While in a way it strays from the quiet, simplistic life I'm learning to simultaneously keeps my routine incredibly simple.  I wake up early, commit an hour to my health, and call it a day.

Here is my current Motivation.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

a bit of self-promotion

I believe most of you, if not all of you, have read my piece over at Rhythm of the Home.  It is an online magazine that focuses on simplicity, homesteading, Waldorf Education, and much more.  If you haven't started reading it, you should.

If you haven't read my piece "Getting Lost in Life's Cadence" you should do that too.  When it was published at the beginning June, I was beyond thrilled.  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

so, what's in a name?

I am not married until September 15th of this year.  But to be honest recreating my bio, my about me, etc seemed difficult so I jumped the gun.  But I will be married in September.

No it won't be legal, thank you for the reminder.  And no it doesn't come with the military benefits that most wives get upon the completion of their nuptials. 

To be honest and I am sure this is unsurprising, the military is still not super friendly with the idea of gay families. The repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell marked a huge step forward in the sordid history of the military, and allows my partner the freedom to serve without fear.  Freedom to serve without worry, concern, or agitation.  Freedom.  What it didn't provide was stability, equal benefits, or intrastructure to protect gay and lesbians in the military.  They say it is coming, but not without a legal battle to be certain.

When I was building this blog I was struggling to name it.  I must have registered and re-registered my domain a million times.  Then it hit me.

Being a wife is in a number of ways my 'incognito' status, as I am not recognized nor supported equally.  Hence the name CALL SIGN:  wife.

Enjoy your stay.  :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

adventures in composting

Generally speaking, discussing trash is less than fascinating.  But the reality is, as of late, I am in love with it!  I love talking to my neighbors, family, and friends about it.  Why?  Well Evie and I finally started our own compost bin.  We started small, took a piece of wire fabric and wrapped it into a circle, zip tied it, and then simply stuck it into the ground.  To give the compost a boost we threw in some already decaying debris from our yard, added a week's worth of food waste we had kept in the freezer, covered it back up with leaves and voila

The upside:  We try to buy in bulk to save money, which means that we sometimes have some waste.  We used to dread throwing that waste away.  Now not only do we get to compost the waste to put in our garden (thus making us feel 100 times better about it!), but now we are aware of our food waste and tend to waste less.  We see this as a double win. 

The downside:  It is open air.  But to avoid buggies, we cover most of our food waste with dead leaves from our garden.  (Thankfully we have a tree that loves to shed!)

Total cost?  $8.50

Far better than spending over $100 for a plastic composter that is an eye-sore and an expense we simply cannot manage!

Oh hey, did you know you can compost A LOT of things?  Here's a handy dandy list of 75 things you can compost... 

Monday, July 23, 2012

welcome :: so glad you are here

*In the coming weeks (once or twice a week), I will write a 'get to know me' styled post tagged with 'introduction'.  These will give new readers a chance to get into my brain and figure me out.*   


Allow me to introduce myself.  I'm Makenna, a teacher/writer/doula based in the deep South by way of my Air Force fiancĂ©e.    

This is a journal, a blog, a place for me to rest my thoughts.  An overture to simple, organic, healthy living.

I've spent my first 27 years on this earth attempting to 'live the dream'.  Life in the fast lane, eyes set on making money.   Since moving to the South, I have realized that my life was unsustainable.  As such, I began slowing down, living in the moment, laying roots.

Here you will find a number of things blogged about including:
  • Clean eating (Including Vegan, Paleo, and Local recipes...I'm NOT a vegan though.  :) )
  • My writing (I'm currently an MFA student in Creative Non-Fiction)
  • Lots of information about intervention-free childbirth
  • Musings on simplicity and divesting
  • Thoughts about newlywedded bliss
  • Excitement about the power of Local Movements
  • Ditties about preparing for motherhood
  • Photography of my environment, garden, etc
  • Goddess living (inspired by Leonie of course!)
  • What I'm thinking about:  Feminism, Development, and more
  • Trials and Tribulations of being an Air Force wife in the age of DOMA

This is my space, and your space too!  Come visit, chat, explore, and grow with me!