Friday, December 21, 2012

Water :: Beautiful, Natural, Compostable

Oh the curse of the Brita filter.  I think you may finally be broken by the new start-up Soma Water.  They have created a glass carafe, complete with coconut husk filter, that can be composted.  They are in kickstarter mode at the moment (you can bet I'm a backer) and suggest that if you want a more natural water filter, you do it too.  :)

You can find their kickstarter here

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

mid-week link round-up

Soule Mama's amazing laundry powder ::  Seriously, this stuff changed our hatred of laundry.  It is all natural, incredibly effective, and very easy to make

Elephants and Hot Air Balloons :: These lovely, crafty ladies live in Alaska, by way of Prague

Laura Emily  ::  She blogs from the heart, runs the amazing apothecary circle, and is all around pretty awesome

A Winter Cure All from This Enchanted Pixie  ::  Made it, love it.  Now to buy more honey!

Aviva Romm's Herbal Medicine for Women  ::  I'm kind of in love with her these days, she's amazing and I signed up for her course.  An herbal medicine course from a 25 year home-birth midwife, Yale MD, and master herbalist?  Easy enough decision for this lady. 

Our Wedding Photo went a bit viral this week :: With the repeal of DADT, and now DOMA being heard by the Supreme Court we can all hope for marriage equality sooner rather than later. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

kitchari :: clean, veggie, delicious

I'm new to this whole posting my recipes thing so you'll have to forgive my lack of photos for the time being.  I *promise* I will start posting photos once I decide I want to pick up a camera again.

In celebration of the holidays I've been working on simplifying my diet, getting back to the basics, and focusing on what feels good to eat.  Not so much 'feels good' like I love the taste of it (damn you Dorritos) but feels good as in my belly is happy and not bloated and doesn't leave me with 4 hours of violent stomach cramps (may I say it again!?  Damn you DORRITOS!)  Enter Kitchari, the most simply delicious thing I have consumed in a few days (save for

Last night I dumped a cup of mung beans and a cup of Basmatti brown rice into a bowl.  And I left it to soak in water overnight while I happily dreamed about upcoming dinner parties, impending births of my clients, and the exam I had to give to my students in the morning.  

Around noon, after all the finals were complete and turn in (not graded mind you), I discarded the rinse water and through it in a pot with 4.5 cups of water and brought it to a boil.

Peeled some fresh ginger root, sprinkled in some curry powder, tumeric, and mixed up salt (Jane's Crazy will do just fine).  After about 30 minutes the rice was soft, the beans too, and the water was all gone.

Then I consumed a ton of it.  And it was lovely.  :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

celebrating my goddess year

About six months ago I joined the Goddess Circle, and with it I jointed an amazing tribe of women.  Here I have been able to listen to my heart's wishes, and share in a plan to become a whole person.  Leave behind my stress, my fear, my exhaustion.  Live authentically you could say. 

This year I will be diving into the Goddess Guidebooks to attempt to find my mission and business purpose by the end of the year.  I have heard great things about the books from the inimitable Kathy Stowell over at Bliss Beyond Naptime and the lovely Manic Mrs. Stone.   As such I am going to go deep into the process, spend quality time with myself, and in my own head.  I'm going to blog, journal, and track my path towards my version of bliss.

If you'd like to join me I'd so love that!  There are business and life editions. 

I'm following that 'tug' I've been talking about.  I suppose it is about time.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

following the call

For years I have been gently tugged by the heart to move forward, and with purpose.  To care for others, to be present.  To engage in a life of business that helps people at a deep level, teaches people to love themselves and others, and perhaps even helps people believe in something bigger than themselves.

In order to do this, I need to let go of dreams placed on myself by others.  (I suppose I accepted these dreams as reality and as such, it is just as much my fault).  But I haven't done this, and I've continued to stumble about. 

For years I've been running from job to job.  It hasn't been a problem, I'm pretty darn good at an array of things.  And no one seems to care that I haven't held a job longer than a year because heck, I make results happen.  I'm a killer marketer, sales woman, and manager.  As such I've managed brands, launched companies, been the marketing director of a few small businesses that did a few million a year in business, managed a team that was responsible for the largest online marketing account in the world, and much more.

And I have to say it, I'm spent.  Exhausted.  Done-zo.

So I started listening to the tug again, and here I am.  Not sure what it means yet, but I am listening, deeply reflecting, and hoping to build something I am proud of.

Stay tuned.  Big things are afoot.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

a shout out :: dr. aviva romm

Just a few weeks ago I stumbled across one of the single greatest resources ever...Dr. Aviva Romm.

Dr. Romm was a home-birth midwife for 25 years, a relatively famous herbalist (she is good buddies with Susun Weed) and now she is a Yale trained and educated MD.  Yup you heard me right, a home-birth midwife went to the MD side, and man is she a wealth of information.

I'd suggest you hop on over, join her mailing list and quickly, and start learning about her secrets to health and wellness.  She is a huge proponent of a truly holistic approach to health–herbal and western–and believes in a mostly veggie diet.

Also if you are in need of a quick snack, she has a recipe for a truly delicious smoothie–her pink prana post-workout glow.   Try it with the cardamom, it is stupid good.  (Photo is from her blog)