Tuesday, July 24, 2012

adventures in composting

Generally speaking, discussing trash is less than fascinating.  But the reality is, as of late, I am in love with it!  I love talking to my neighbors, family, and friends about it.  Why?  Well Evie and I finally started our own compost bin.  We started small, took a piece of wire fabric and wrapped it into a circle, zip tied it, and then simply stuck it into the ground.  To give the compost a boost we threw in some already decaying debris from our yard, added a week's worth of food waste we had kept in the freezer, covered it back up with leaves and voila

The upside:  We try to buy in bulk to save money, which means that we sometimes have some waste.  We used to dread throwing that waste away.  Now not only do we get to compost the waste to put in our garden (thus making us feel 100 times better about it!), but now we are aware of our food waste and tend to waste less.  We see this as a double win. 

The downside:  It is open air.  But to avoid buggies, we cover most of our food waste with dead leaves from our garden.  (Thankfully we have a tree that loves to shed!)

Total cost?  $8.50

Far better than spending over $100 for a plastic composter that is an eye-sore and an expense we simply cannot manage!

Oh hey, did you know you can compost A LOT of things?  Here's a handy dandy list of 75 things you can compost... 


  1. Looking forward to reading your blog!

    I just recently learned about Keyhole Gardens. It takes composting to a new and prettier level! Check it out: http://www.valhalla-project.com/2012/01/from-africa-to-valhalla-keyhole-garden.html?m=1

    1. Thanks for sharing! How freaking cool. I sent the video to my chief of staff over at Bridge Beyond (my org) and he loved it. He started a pilot project right away. :)

